
来源 :外国法制史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudongzy
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美国财产法理论的历史基础,是建立在洛克的个人自然财产权理论及布莱克斯通的个人绝对财产权观念之上的。洛克在遵循西方自然法理论传统上提出的个人自然财产权理论及劳动价值与征服理论,在那个时代占据统治地位;而布莱克斯通在继承洛克个人自然财产权理论的基础上,具体发展出的个人绝对财产权观念与“独有的和专断的支配权”主张,则是那个时代的一贯特征。 The historical basis of the theory of property law in the United States is based on Locke’s personal theory of natural property rights and Blackstone’s personal concept of absolute property rights. Locke dominated the theory of individual natural property rights, labor value and conquest, which traditionally followed western theories of natural law, and at that time, Blackstone, on the basis of inheriting Locke’s theory of individual natural property rights, definitely developed his own absolute The concept of property rights and the “exclusive and dictatorial dominance” proposition are the consistent characteristics of that era.
刚刚过去的2007年精彩纷呈而又值得回味。  对于一些人来说,2007年是他们的好运年,史玉柱、马云、杨惠妍等印证了这一点,他们获得了前所未有的成功。要么从此翻身、来了个惊天大逆转,要么一跃而成中国新首富;而对另外一些人来说,情况却不那么妙了。有人黯然离职、有人锒铛入狱,也有人曲终人散、财尽楼空,成为刚刚过去的一年里,最让人嘘唏不已却又无可奈何的憾事。他们的倒下,再一次让人们看到金钱与权力这根魔杖