Wavelet packet decomposition entropy threshold method for discrete spectrum interferences rejection

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ideal
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The frequency domain division theory of dyadic wavelet decomposition and wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) with orthogonal wavelet base frame are presented. The WPD coefficients of signals are treated as the outputs of equivalent bandwidth filters with different center frequency. The corresponding WPD entropy values of coefficients increase sharply when the discrete spectrum interferences (DSIs), frequency spectrum of which is centered at several frequency points existing in some frequency region. Based on WPD, an entropy threshold method (ETM) is put forward, in which entropy is used to determine whether partial discharge (PD) signals are interfered by DSIs. Simulation and real data processing demonstrate that ETM works with good efficiency, without pre-knowing DSI information. ETM extracts the phase of PD pulses accurately and can calibrate the quantity of single type discharge. The frequency domain division theory of dyadic wavelet decomposition and wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) with orthogonal wavelet base frame are presented. The WPD coefficients of signals are treated as the outputs of equivalent bandwidth filters with different center frequency. The corresponding WPD entropy values ​​of coefficients based on WPD, an entropy threshold method (ETM) is put forward, where entropy is used to determine whether Simulation and real data processing demonstrate that ETM works with good efficiency, without pre-know DSI information. ETM extracts the phase of PD pulses accurately and can calibrate the quantity of single type discharge.
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