由中国篮球协会和本刊共同举办的1995—1996年度CBA男子篮球甲级联赛“最佳阵容”、“最有价值球员”、“最佳教练”评选4月7日在京揭晓(入选的运动员、教练员名单见本页“光荣榜”,简介见第17页)。 本次评选,历时三个月,我们共收到包括台湾、香港在内的全国各省、市(或地区)的观众投票113800余张。观众、球迷投票之踊跃,出乎主办单位的意料。根据本次评选活动的有关规则,北京周婧等195名球迷读者获得“1995—1996年度CBA全国男篮甲级联赛最佳球迷”称号;同时,从中产生了特等奖、一等奖、二
“Best Team”, “Most Valuable Player” and “Best Coach” of the 1995-1996 CBA Men’s Basketball League, co-sponsored by the China Basketball Association and the magazine, were announced in Beijing on April 7 (selected athletes, For a list of coaches see “Hall of Fame” on this page, see page 17 for an introduction). In this selection, which lasted for three months, we received a total of more than 113,800 votes from all the provinces, cities (or regions) in Taiwan, including Hong Kong. The audience, fans voted enthusiastically, contrary to the expectations of the organizers. According to the relevant rules of this selection activity, 195 fans readers such as Beijing Zhou Jing won the title of “Best Basketball Player of the CBA National Basketball League 1995-1996”; at the same time, there were Grand Prize, First Prize,