
来源 :职业卫生与应急救援 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ppasu
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[目的]探究大亚湾区居民灾害现场急救技能水平,为进一步提高居民急救技能水平做参考。[方法]于2016年4月—12月,抽取大亚湾区3个街道6个社区的500名居民进行问卷调查,共包含20个技能考察项目,每个项目总分为5分,问卷总分为100分。并对调查结果进行统计学分析。[结果]收回问卷495份。大亚湾居民急救技能水平平均得分为(46±17)分,20项技能中只有4项的平均分达到3分。不同年龄、文化程度、职业以及培训经历人群急救技能调查评分和及格率比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。居民对灾后逃生技能、心肺复苏技能、止血包扎技能、生命体征检查及化学物中毒处理技能的需求度最高。[结论]大亚湾区居民灾害现场急救技能亟待提高,应加强对他们的急救知识的宣传、急救技能的培训,并让居民参加应急演练,以提高居民灾害现场互救、自救能力。 [Objective] To explore the first-aid skill level of residents in Daya Bay area and make reference for further improving residents’ first aid skills. [Methods] From April to December in 2016, 500 residents of 6 communities in 3 streets of Daya Bay were sampled for questionnaire survey. They included 20 skills inspection projects with a total score of 5 points for each project. The total score of the questionnaires was 100 points. And statistical analysis of the survey results. [Results] 495 questionnaires were withdrawn. Daya Bay residents first aid skills average score of (46 ± 17) points, only 20 out of 4 skills average score of 3 points. There were significant differences (P <0.01) in the survey scores and passing rate of first aid skills among different age, educational level, occupation and training experience. Residents of the post-disaster escape skills, cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills, hemostatic dressing skills, vital signs and chemical poisoning treatment skills, the highest degree of demand. [Conclusions] Residents emergency rescue skills in Daya Bay area should be improved urgently. Training publicity of first aid knowledge and first aid skills should be strengthened and residents should participate in emergency rehearsal so as to improve the mutual rescuing and self - rescue ability of residents on disaster site.
摘要:中职数学教学必须转变传统的观念,以目标为导向,实现知识模型与实际问题的转化,注重提升应用知识的能力。这需要我们在教学中不断针对教学目标调整教学思路,根据教学目标调整教学内容,根据学生的基础和能力分层教学,根据教学效果调整教学设计,根据教学内容改革教学方法,根据具体的教学内容和学生实际建立多梯度评价体系等。  关键词:目标导向模式;中职教育;数学教学  中图分类号:G712文献标识码:A 文章
孟子认为人性本善,每个人都有恻隐之心;可其后的荀子却发现:“人之生也固小人。”他说人性本来就恶,所谓“好”则是由后天所学而来。  荀子深知诸如“学而时习之”之类的劝导已不能打动浮躁轻狂的年轻人了,劝“恶”向“善”得与时俱进,讲究方法。荀子的方法很独特,他将“劝”的技巧和“劝”的思想,融进文脉的流动中,也就是说他选择了一种灵动的结构。  仅从课文《劝学》节选的四个段落,就可以看出其结构安排的匠心,每