The causes of cracks in mass concrete are manifold, and comprehensive measures must be taken from structural design, temperature control, raw material selection, construction arrangements, and construction quality. Because the temperature stress and the temperature stress and the shrinkage of the concrete are the main causes of the cracks in the mass concrete, the control of the maximum temperature of the concrete must be taken as the main aspect when setting the temperature control measures. This will start with reducing the temperature at the concrete exit and reducing the temperature rise of heat of hydration, and grasp the main directions of the main contradiction, so as to take practical and practical measures in light of the actual conditions of the project. In the aspect of reducing the temperature rise of hydration heat: concrete can be used with “double-doped” (with fly ash, mixed admixtures), and the concrete mix ratio can be reasonably selected to reduce the amount of cement per unit, and the low flow regime and large gradation should be used as far as possible. Concrete. In the aspect of reducing the temperature of the concrete exits, efforts are mainly made to reduce the temperature of the stones and the temperature of the mixing water, which have the greatest influence on the exit temperature of the concrete. Experience has shown that for every 1°C decrease in the temperature of the stone, the temperature at the concrete exit can be reduced by approximately 0.55°C, the water temperature can drop by 1°C, and the concrete temperature can drop by 0.2°C. At the same time, in the formulation of temperature control measures, it is necessary to combine the actual conditions of the construction site and adopt measures that are technically feasible, simple and practical in operation, and economical. In transportation, concrete tankers are used to minimize the exposure time and stop, thereby reducing the temperature rise.