婴幼儿的眼睛正处于发育阶段,更需要精心保护,家长应经常给孩子吃些有益于眼睛发育的食物。那么,对眼睛有益的营养素有哪些呢? 蛋白质蛋白质是组成人体组织的主要成分,眼部组织的修补和更新,需要不断地补充蛋白质。瘦肉、禽肉、动物的内脏、鱼、虾、奶类、蛋类等含有丰富的动物性蛋白质;豆类含有丰富的植物性蛋白质。维生素A 孩子体内缺乏维生素A时,眼睛易疲劳,感受弱光的能力下降,对黑暗环境的适应能力减退,严重时易患夜盲症。另外,缺乏维生素
Infants and young children’s eyes are in the developmental stage, but also need careful protection, parents should always give their children eat food beneficial to eye development. So, what is good for eye nutrients? Protein protein is composed of the main components of human tissues, eye tissue repair and renewal, the need to constantly add protein. Lean meat, poultry, animal offal, fish, shrimp, milk, eggs and other rich animal protein; beans are rich in plant protein. Vitamin A The lack of vitamin A in children, the eye fatigue, the ability to feel weak light decline, diminished ability to adapt to the dark environment, severe night blindness. In addition, the lack of vitamins