Computational identification of microRNAs and their targets in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdwudipaopao
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microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous, non-coding, short (~21 nt) RNAs directly involved in regulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Previous reports have noted that plant miRNAs in the plant kingdom are highly conserved, which provides the foundation for identification of conserved miRNAs in other plant species through homology alignment. Conserved miRNAs in wheat are identified using EST (Expressed Sequence Tags) and GSS analysis. All previously known miRNAs in other plant species were blasted against wheat EST and GSS sequences to select novel miRNAs in wheat by a series of filtering criteria. From a total of 37 conserved miRNAs belonging to 18 miRNA families 10 conserved miRNAs comprising 4 families were reported in wheat. MiR395 is found to be a special family, because three members belonging to the same miR395 family are clustered together, similar to animal miRNAs. MiRNA targets are transcription factors involved in wheat growth and development, metabolism,and stress responses. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous, non-coding, short (~ 21 nt) RNAs directly involved in regulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Previous reports have noted that plant miRNAs in the plant kingdom are highly conserved, which provides the foundation for identification of conserved miRNAs in wheat plant species through homology alignment. Conserved miRNAs in wheat are identified using EST (Expressed Sequence Tags) and GSS analysis. All previously known miRNAs in other plant species were blasted against wheat EST and GSS sequences to select novel miRNAs in wheat by a series of filtering criteria. From a total of 37 conserved miRNAs belonging to 18 miRNA families 10 conserved miRNAs comprising 4 families were reported in wheat. MiR395 is found to be a special family, because three members belonging to the same miR395 family are clustered together, similar to animal miRNAs. MiRNA targets are transcription factors involved in wheat growth and development, met abolism, and stress responses.
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一首《同桌的你》,曾经拨动多少人的心弦,带给我们多少美好的回忆——菁菁校园,青葱岁月,一颦一笑,都是岁月里飘香的花瓣。  但是进入高年级,不知从哪天起,同桌问题开始微妙起来。有的隔着一道有形或隐形的“三八”线,横眉冷对;有的吵吵闹闹,哭哭笑笑,让人情不自禁地感慨“不是冤家不聚头”;有的蒙蒙眬眬,悄悄做着少年的梦……  那么,何不“善解人意”,让学生拥有一个“同桌的你”?  一个阳光灿烂的午后,我郑
《小松鼠找花生果》一课的第2自然段有这样一段对话:小松鼠问蚯蚓:“这是什么呀?”蚯蚓说:“这是花生。”  在全市课堂教学观摩研讨活动中,四位老师执教该课时,不约而同地突出了“这是花生”的朗读指导。有的老师通过启发学生“小松鼠还不清楚,再明确地告诉他”引导再读;有的老师通过语感夸张的范读引导再读;有的老师向学生提供情境图帮助学生感悟再读……大家都把“这是花生”的语感体会得很“饱满”,强调“花生”的语
【案例】识字教学片段  师:下面我们来看一看这个“情”字应该怎样写,你有什么要提醒大家的?  生甲:右下边那个“月”字的一竖不能太尖。  师:哦,你观察得挺仔细。还有呢?  生乙:竖心旁中间的一竖是悬针竖。  师:你真不简单,还知道什么是悬针竖!  ……  师:看老师是怎样把这个“情”字写漂亮的。(师范写,以上两竖画均用回锋)  生丙:老师,你写成垂露竖了,不是悬针竖。  师:老师写的是悬针竖,你