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2003年全省统计法制工作的总体要求是:认真贯彻落实国务院领导同志在国家统计局考察时所作的重要指示和全国、全省统计工作会议精神,以推进依法统计为中心,加大违法行为的查处力度为重点;继续把“四五”普法宣传引向深入,抓好普法培训,组织普法考试;加强统计执法队伍建设,增强统计队伍执法意识,严格执行统计法,坚决查处在统计上弄虚作假行为;强化统计执法监督,规范执法程序,改善统计法制环境。全面加强统计法制建设,为维护统计工作秩序,推动统计改革和现代化建设做出贡献。一、把《统计法》的学习宣传教育引向深入。不断提高社会各界的统计法制观念。 1、以纪念《统计法》颁布20周年为契机,继续把统计“四五”普法引向深入。更加广泛深入地宣传《统计法》及其实施细则、《青海省统计工作管理条例》和中共中央“两办通知”精神。要注重对各级领导干部 The overall requirements for the work of statistics and legal system in 2003 in the whole province are: earnestly implementing the important directives made by the leading comrades of the State Council during the inspection conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics and the spirit of the national and provincial statistics work conference so as to promote law-based statistics and intensify violations of law We should continue to disseminate the propaganda of the “April 5” popularization law, deepen our efforts in popularizing legal literacy training and organizing the popularization examinations; strengthen the building of a contingent of law enforcement officials and reinforce the awareness of law enforcement personnel in the statistical team; strictly enforce the statistical laws and resolutely investigate and deal with them statistically Fraud and fraud; strengthening the supervision of statistical law enforcement, standardize law enforcement procedures and improve the legal and legal environment. We will comprehensively strengthen the statistical legal system and make contributions to maintaining the order of statistical work and promoting statistical reform and modernization. First, the study of “Statistics Law” to promote education in depth. Constantly improve the concept of statistical legal system in all walks of life. 1. In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the “Statistics Law”, we should continue to direct the statistics of the “45” popularization method. More extensive and in-depth publicity “Statistics Law” and its implementation details, “Regulations on the Statistics of Qinghai Province” and the CPC Central Committee “two offices to inform ” spirit. We must pay attention to leading cadres at all levels
施瓦布家族打造了全球最具影响力的达沃斯经济论坛,一个全球政治家、商人、学者、社会明星趋之若鹜的高端对话平台。希尔德·施瓦布则努力在公益领域打造另一个高端平台,帮助像2006年诺贝尔和平奖得主穆罕默德·尤努斯这样杰出的社会企业家  2003年9月初,宁静的秋光笼罩着湖畔的日内瓦,把整个城市染成金黄色。小船在泛着光芒的湖面上缓缓漂行,如梦如醉。正是在这样一个美丽的秋日,“北京农家女实用技能培训学校”的
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《义务教育语文课程标准》提出在教学中要考虑语言文字的特点,培养学生口语交际能力,重视对学生语感和整体把握能力的培养。不仅如此,在语文教学中还要注重人文内涵,要利用口语交际训练陶冶学生的精神领域,鼓励他们在口语练习中关心社会现实生活,找到适应时代发展的新话题,让他们逐步形成积极的人生观和价值观。  一、与时俱进,话题要有时代感  《义务教育语文课程标准》提出在进行口语训练的时候不仅要提高学生倾听和说