以“维权”见长的劳动午报,继续扩展自己的优势,报纸特色更加鲜明。据7月上半月13期报纸的不完全统计,刊发本市有关维权方面的报道,就达120多篇。其主要特点是: 一、面向职工群众,以法律、规章为准绳,协助他们解决实际问题。围绕维权这个中心,开辟了《维权行动》、《维权评论》、《举案说法》、《维权进行时》等众多小栏目。揭发侵权事件,评说问题是非,宣传有关政策法规。读者读之有用。
With the labor day known as “activist”, continue to expand its own advantages and the newspaper features more distinctive features. According to the incomplete statistics of 13 newspapers in the first half of July, more than 120 articles on the protection of human rights in the city were published. Its main features are: First, for the workers and the masses, with laws and regulations as the yardstick to help them solve practical problems. Around the center of human rights protection, many small columns such as “Actions for the Defense of Rights,” “Rights Review,” “Case Statement,” and “Rights Protection In Progress” were opened up. Disclosure of infringement, comment on the issue of right and wrong, promote relevant policies and regulations. Readers read useful.