甘办卫字第091号 1960年3月18日泾川县人民委员会关于开展突击春灌抗旱保墒情况的报告和天祝藏族自治县防旱抗旱的十大措施很好,现转发各地一阅。泾川和天祝在防旱抗旱的斗争中,取得了很大成绩。他们共同突出的特点是:(1)加强党的领导,坚持政治挂帅,领导干部投入第一线,亲自指挥,带头作战,(2)充分发动群众,大搞群众运动,破除种种畏难怯战情绪,树立人定胜天的雄心大志,鼓足干劲,坚定信心,不分男女,不分老幼,能上阵的圣部上阵,有一分热,发一分光,掀起轰轰烈烈的群众运动高潮;(3)在防旱措施上,因地制宜,多种多样,从修水利到打耱保墒、到抗旱播种等等,能够抓的一项不漏,大至大、中型水利工程,小至盆盆罐罐、挑水背水灌田,总之能够上的一齐全上。天祝县这样作的结果,消灭了三类墒,使全县166万亩耕地都能保种保出,并使每人平均有了3亩保险田;泾川县这样作了,就在短短的五天内,灌溉耕地32万多亩,并使灌溉工作以日进度6万多亩的速度猛烈进展。目前,我省许多地区呈现旱象,并且还在继续发展。防旱抗旱,急如星火,各地必须坚决贯彻中共中央、国务院和省委有关防旱抗旱的指示,抓紧时机,象天祝、泾川等县一样,在党委领导下,调动一切能够调动的力量,根据本地条件,提出多种有效措施,依靠人民公社,大搞群众运动,把防旱抗旱运动旣搞得轰轰烈烈,又搞得扎扎突实,以彻底战胜干旱,夺取农业生产更大更好更全面的丰收。
Gan Weiwei word No. 091 March 18, 1960 Jingchuan County People’s Committee on carrying out sudden spring drought drought and soil moisture report and Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County drought and drought ten measures very well, are forwarded around the world for a read. Jingchuan and Tianzhu have made great achievements in the fight against drought and drought. Their common prominent features are: (1) strengthening the party’s leadership, upholding politics and placing leading cadres on the front line, personally commanding and taking the lead in combat operations; (2) mobilizing the masses to the full and mass mobilization to eliminate the fearful and scared mood , Set people ambitious ambitions, full of energy, confidence, regardless of men and women, regardless of age, can go into battle in the holy ministry, a heat, send a light, set off a spectacular climax of mass movements; (3) Dry measures, according to local conditions, a variety of water conservancy to play to preserve moisture, to drought planting and so on, to grasp a leaky, large and medium-sized water conservancy projects, small pots and cans, pick water back water Irrigation field, in short, can be on the whole. Tianzhu County as a result of this, the elimination of three types of soil moisture, so that the 1660000 acres of arable land can be preserved, and each has an average of 3 acres of insurance fields; Jingchuan County, in the short In a short span of five days, irrigated arable land of more than 320,000 mu and made a drastic progress in irrigation work at the rate of more than 60,000 mu per day. At present, drought-prone areas are present in many areas of our province and the development continues. Drought and drought are desperately needed. All localities must resolutely implement the directives of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the provincial party committee on drought relief and drought relief. They should seize the opportunity to mobilize all forces capable of mobilization under the leadership of party committees like Tianzhu and Jingchuan counties. Local conditions, proposed a variety of effective measures, relying on the people’s communes, vigorously promote the mass movement, the drought and drought campaign 旣 made vigorous, but also made Zhazha unexpected, in order to completely defeat the drought, to win more and better agricultural production more comprehensive The harvest.