It is easier to define mental illnesses than to define mental health.定义心理疾病易,定义心理健康难。定义心理疾病易,定义心理健康难,这个问题由来已久。就美国而言,美国精神医学学会历来是定义心理疾病的专业机构(前身为美国精神病医师协会,早在1917年即已成立)。及至当下,许多人方才认识到,心理健康并不只是没有心理疾病那么简单。
It is easier to define mental illnesses than to define mental health. It is difficult to define mental illnesses and define mental health difficult. The definition of mental illness is easy, the definition of mental health is difficult, this problem has a long history. For the United States, the American Psychiatric Association has traditionally been the professional body that defines mental illness (formerly the American Psychiatric Association, which was established as early as 1917). Until now, many people just realized that mental health is not just as simple as mental illness.