The oriented βSiC was pre-deposited on a silicon (001) single crystal using a non-toxic, non-flammable hexamethyldisilazane and hydrogen gas by applying a negative bias treatment and a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The presence of the βSiC layer was confirmed by micro-Auger spectroscopy showing that in this manner, dense single-crystal silicon carbide grains parallel to the three <001> directions of silicon were formed at 850 ° C. Then, methane was used instead of hexamethyldi As a carbon source, silylane continued to be applied with negative bias and CVD growth.The micro-Augerogram showed that the small square gradually became a large square, and its composition also changed from silicon-containing carbon to carbon-only. It was confirmed that the phase structure changed from cubic silicon carbide to diamond, and the corresponding orientation in this growth was diamond <001> ∥βSiC <001> ∥Si1 <001>.