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百善孝为先。孝,自古以来就是中华民族的传统美德,唐代统治者深谙孝悌之道的重要性,承继“以孝治天下”。唐神龙元年(705),太平公主为其母武则天祈福而修建的皇家寺院罔极寺,因“欲报以德,昊天罔极”而得名,以表达子女对父母无限的孝思,曾传为美谈。玄宗皇帝继之又两次御注《孝经》,刊石立碑,彰显了唐代重视和提倡孝道的治国理念。 Hundred good first filial piety. Filial piety has been the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times. The rulers in the Tang Dynasty understood the importance of filial piety and inherited the principle of “filial piety governing the world.” In the first year of the Tang Dynasty (705), the royal monastery, Wanggui Temple, built by Princess Taiping for its mother Wuzhengtian’s blessing was named for expressing her children’s infinite filial piety to her parents Thought, has been referred to the United States talk. Following Emperor Xuanzong’s repeated “Note Book of Filial Piety” two times, the stone monument, highlighting the Tang Dynasty emphasis and promote filial piety philosophy.