Significant beam loss caused by the charge exchange processes and ion impact-induced outgassing may restrict the maximum number of accelerated heavy ions during the high intensity operation of an accelerator. In order to control beam loss due to charge exchange processes and confine the generated desorption gas, tracking of the beam loss distribution and installation of absorber blocks with low-desorption rate material at appropriate locations in the main Cooler Storage Ring(CSRm) at the Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, will be performed. The loss simulation of uranium ions with electron-loss is presented in this report and the conclusion is that most charge changed particles are lost in the second dipole of the super-period structure. The calculation of the collimation efficiency of the CSRm ring will be continued in the future.
Significant beam loss caused by the charge exchange processes and ion impact-induced outgassing may restrict the maximum number of accelerated heavy ions during the high intensity operation of an accelerator. In order to control beam loss due to charge exchange processes and confine the generated desorption gas , tracking of the beam loss distribution and installation of absorber blocks with low-desorption rate material at appropriate locations in the main Cooler Storage Ring (CSRm) at the Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, will be performed. The loss simulation of uranium ions with electron-loss is presented in this report and the conclusion is that most charge changed particles are lost in the second dipole of the super-period structure. The calculation of the collimation efficiency of the CSRm ring will be continued in the future.