Male patient, 52 years old. Due to the left scrotum tumor for two years, was admitted on December 20, 1980, in December 1980 inadvertently found the left scrotum thumb big tumor mass gradually increased to fist, walking inconvenience. pain. Examination: No abnormality in the body, the left scrotum as an adult fist, soft, light tenderness, testicular, epididymis palpable, light test (+). Clinical diagnosis: left testicular hydrocele. Surgical exploration in the sacral anesthesia, surgery, see the left side of the scrotum 6 × 8 cm cystic mass, white thin wall, under the spermatic vein and vas deferens across the testes and epididymal testes located below the cysts. Cyst excision, see cyst fluid is milky white, about 400 ml. Cyst fluid smears: sperm (++++). Pathology report: semen cysts.