
来源 :教育政策观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c0128
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中考改革是推进素质教育的重要环节。近十多年来,我国中考政策在诸多方面采取了一系列有效的改革探索与创新举措。但当前,在学科学业成绩评定、综合素质评价与高中招生录取方面仍存在诸多问题。因此,为了进一步推进素质教育和基础教育的均衡发展,中考改革需要进一步做到以下几点:完善命题技术,创新命题机制,提高命题质量;建立“多考而择其优”的机制,进一步完善等级制;要逐步提高高中招生指标均衡分配比例,扩大高中学校招生自主权,探索多样化招生录取方法;综合素质评价应努力做到过程和结果的统一;要进一步完善监督机制,逐步加强中考评价结果的反馈机制;设置职业指导课程,为教育分流疏通“出口”。 Senior high school entrance examination reform is an important part of promoting quality education. In the past ten years or so, China's senior high school entrance examination policy has adopted a series of effective reform, exploration and innovation measures in many aspects. However, at present, there are still many problems in academic academic performance evaluation, comprehensive quality evaluation and admission of high school students. Therefore, in order to further promote the balanced development of quality education and basic education, the reform of senior high school entrance examination needs to further achieve the following points: perfect the propositional technology, innovate the propositional mechanism and improve the propositional quality; establish a mechanism of “ To further improve the hierarchy; to gradually improve the proportion of high school enrollment indicators of balanced distribution, expand the high school enrollment autonomy, to explore diversified admission methods; comprehensive quality evaluation should strive to achieve the unity of the process and results; to further improve the supervision mechanism and gradually strengthen Feedback mechanism of evaluation results in senior high school entrance examination; set up vocational guidance courses to clear ”export" for education diversion.
纨绔子弟难成事,易败家。因为他们惯于张狂,眼高手低,尤其在乱世,江山无主,他们极易冲动,想走马中原,分裂山河;但他们无才无学,起事容易,败事也快,刹那之间,灰飞烟灭,身死人手,成天下人笑柄。宇文化及就是这样一个纨绔儿,他用自己一生的三次投机行为,验证了投机者的可耻下场。  宇文化及走上历史舞台时形象就不佳,他爱走马长街妓院,他爱鲜衣美玉,他爱挟弹佩弓睥睨王法,是个标准的恶少。因为他爸叫宇文述,是隋