在云南西双版纳的每一个傣寨村边,几乎都建有一座供全寨人饮用的清澈水井。傣族的水井建筑堪称一绝。它的独特之处在于它那千姿百态、设计精美的井罩。这种井罩,因底座是亭,顶端是塔,故在当地称之为“南慕广木”(塔井),或叫做“阿銮的帽子”(阿銮是傣族民间传说中的英雄人物)。 如有的井罩象一座佛塔拔地而起,尖顶挂着一串串银铃或金属铜片,清风吹来,发出阵阵轻快悦耳的声响。塔的外壁镶嵌着各式各样的珠宝和明镜,在阳光的映照下闪闪发光(图1)。有的井罩东西两面是两头白象的塑像,北面雕刻着两只正在开屏的孔雀,顶端也像一座佛塔(图2)。较典型的如曼朗的一
Almost every side of Dai Village in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, has a clear water well for people to drink. Dai wells construction called a must. Its uniqueness is its well-designed, well-designed well shroud. This well cover, because the base is a kiosk, the top is the tower, it is locally called “Nammu wide wood” (well), or called “A Luang hat” (Luanguan is a Dai folk legend hero ). If the manhole covers rise like a stupa, the spire hangs with a string of silver bells or metal copper sheets, and the breeze blows to make the melodious and loud sound bursts forth. The outer wall of the tower is lined with a wide variety of jewels and mirrors, gleaming in the sunshine (Figure 1). Some well covers both east and west of the statue of two white elephants, the north carved two are opening peacocks, the top is also like a stupa (Figure 2). More typical such as a mann