
来源 :郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fayo
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中国文字是华夏民族的伟大创造,是中华文明的象征。尤其是汉字,千百年来,从甲骨文始,历经演变,承续至今,成为世界上最古老,但依然生机勃勃、迄今还在使用着的文字系统。它以其强大的超方言和文化影响性、独特的构形体系及无与伦比的书法审美内涵,典型地凝聚了中国文化的基本特征,成为世界文化遗产中当中之无愧的文化瑰宝。几千年来,汉字在维护国家的统一、促进民族文化的发展以及中外文化交流与传播中都发挥了重要作用。进入新世纪以来,关于创建中国语言文字博物馆的构想备受海内外有识之士关注。河南,是甲骨文和古文字资料的主要出土地,也是字圣许慎的故乡。日前,国家文物局已正式批准在安阳建设中国文字博物馆,为语言文字提供一个集中收集、整理、保存和规范化、经典展示的场所。这是一项功在当代、泽被后人的宏伟事业。建设这一专业性很强的大型文化工程,应当说尚无先例。为此,我们诚邀国家语言文字方面的著名专家学者,就该馆的建设、布展内容等,挥笔畅谈,为馆建的科学性和先进性,提供指导性意见。 Chinese writing is a great creation of the Chinese nation and a symbol of Chinese civilization. In particular, Chinese characters, for thousands of years, have evolved from the beginning of Oracle to the present and have become the world’s oldest but still vibrant writing system that is still in use. With its powerful ultra-dialect and cultural influence, unique configuration system and unparalleled aesthetic connotation of calligraphy, it typically embodies the basic characteristics of Chinese culture and becomes a well-deserved cultural gem in the world’s cultural heritage. For thousands of years, Chinese characters have played an important role in safeguarding the unification of the country, promoting the development of the national culture and the cultural exchange and dissemination between China and foreign countries. Since entering the new century, the idea of ​​creating a museum for Chinese language and script has drawn great attention from people of insight at home and abroad. Henan, is the main site for oracle and ancient writing materials, but also the hometown of St. Xu Shen. Recently, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has officially approved the construction of a Chinese language museum in Anyang, providing a venue for centralized collection, collation, preservation, standardization and classic presentation of language. This is a work in the contemporary, Ze was the grand cause of posterity. It is fair to say that there is no precedent for building this large-scale and specialized cultural project. To this end, we sincerely invite renowned experts and scholars in the field of national language and writing to give speeches on the construction and exhibition contents of the museum and provide guidance for the scientific and advanced nature of the museum.
文章从家庭教育和孩子自身出发,列举了学生沉迷于网络的几大原因。并提出相应的解决对策,强调了家庭教育对于孩子健康成长的重要性。 Starting from home education and the
《古田会议决议》的形成是毛泽东在进行充分调查研究基础上的结果,体现了我们党通过调查研究推动党的建设和军队建设的优良作风。 The formation of the “Gutian Conferenc