手部转移癌极为罕见,作者报告了三例,其中发病年龄均在52岁以上。性别为2男1女。转移部位,2例右手拇指末节,一例右手环指末节.局部表现,均为患指肿胀不适,轻度疼痛,2例患指有波动感。x 线拍片检查一例患指末节骨质明显疏松,2例患指末节指骨骨质破坏。3例患者均初步诊断为指骨骨髓炎,并按炎症给以治疗,其中2例切开引流后,发现患部呈粉红色肉芽组织,取其组织做病理检查,证实为转移的鳞状上皮癌,这两名患者胸部x 线检查
Hand metastases are extremely rare. The authors reported three cases, in which the age of onset was over 52 years old. The gender is 2 males and 1 females. The site of metastasis was 2 cases of the right hand thumb distal segment and 1 case of the right hand ring finger distal segment. Local manifestations were swelling and discomfort of the affected finger and mild pain, and 2 patients had a feeling of volatility. X-ray examination showed one case of osteoporosis in the distal segment of the affected finger, and two cases of finger bone destruction in the distal segment of the finger. All three patients were initially diagnosed with osteal osteomyelitis and treated with inflammation. Among them, 2 patients were found to have pink granulation tissue after incision and drainage. The tissues were taken for pathological examination and confirmed as metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Chest x-ray examination of these two patients