In this paper, 61 cases of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) serum C_3 and CH_ (50) content were measured by active phase and remission; nephritis group and non nephritis group were analyzed. The levels of serum C_3 and CH_ (50) in active patients were significantly lower than those in remission (P <0.001). C_3 <100u / ml accounted for 90%, of which C_3 <80u / ml accounted for 77.8%. Active CH_ (50) <50u / ml accounted for 80%. While C_3 <50u / ml (less than half the normal), 26.3% were associated with nephritis. Nephritis group C_3 levels were significantly lower than non-nephritis group (P <0.001). Serum C_3 level decreased to identify the presence or absence