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全心全意为人民服务是我们党的根本宗旨, 这是我们党区别于其他任何政党的重要政治特征。为人民服务,重在全心全意,决不可半心半意或者三分之二的心、三分之二的意。这就要求每一个共产党员必须把全心全意为人民服务作为自己的神圣职责,思想上认识到位、行动上落到实处。然而,在改革开放和市场经济条件下,少数党员经受不住权力、金钱、美色的诱惑,私欲膨胀、追名逐利、以权谋私、贪脏枉法,损害群众利益,有的甚至鱼肉百姓,把党的宗旨抛到了九霄云外,以致出现了成克杰、胡长青、刘方仁、卢万里之类的腐败分子,他们的劣行,严重损害了党的形象,败坏了党的声誉。为了保持党的队伍的纯洁性,党中央决定在全党开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动,其意义重大而深远。每一个共产党员都要在这次教育活动中,努力学习提高,认真查找差距,改正缺点错误,还共产党员之本来面目,牢记党的宗旨,做全心全意为人民服务的模范。 Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of our party. This is an important political feature that distinguishes our party from any other political party. Serve the people, focus on wholeheartedly, and never half-hearted or two-thirds of the heart, two-thirds of the meaning. This requires that every member of the Communist Party must regard serving the people wholeheartedly as his own sacred duty, be aware of the ideological position, and act in a down-to-earth manner. However, under the conditions of reform and opening up and the market economy, the minority party members can not stand the temptation of power, money and beauty. Their personal interests are swollen, chasing fame and fortune, exploiting their power for personal gains, vilifying the law and damaging the interests of the masses, and some even fish people The purpose of the party was thrown into the clouds, resulting in the emergence of such corrupt elements as Cheng Kejie, Hu Changqing, Liu Fangren and Lu Wanli. Their misdeeds have seriously damaged the party’s image and corrupted the party’s reputation. In order to maintain the purity of the ranks of the party, the party Central Committee has decided to carry out education activities aimed at maintaining the advanced nature of party members in the entire party. It is of great significance and far-reaching significance. In this education campaign, every communist party must make every effort to learn and improve, conscientiously find out the gaps, correct shortcomings and mistakes, and also reflect the true spirit of the party members, keeping in mind the party’s purpose and serving as a model of serving the people wholeheartedly.
本文在最新的生成语法理论框架下重新研究名词性词组中指示代词的句法地位。在生成语法的理论研究中,DP结构始终是一个重要的问题。本文的主要目标是: 1.在乔姆斯基提出的
2014年3月23日下午4点,随着从新加坡飞来的C A976次航班的准时到达,中铁建工集团12名南极建设者出现在国际航班到达口。这是中铁建工南极勇士第12次参加南极科考站的建设,他们完