开放式厨房 现在的户型设计,多将厨房面积加大,或是与餐厅连为一体,许多人也仿效国外的厨房设计,把厨房设计成餐厨一体化,甚至是餐厨客一体化。这种设计固然有其积极的一面,主妇在操劳时,在她的视线中始终有家人的陪伴,很人性化。但考虑到国人的饮食习惯,专家建议这种设计还是慎用,尤其是喜欢在家享用美食的人士。如果真是就喜欢这种风格设计,不妨改良一下,可以把烹饪灶台关闭起来,四周用玻璃材质,既不挡视线,也可以阻隔油烟。
Open kitchen now apartment layout design, more kitchen area, or even with the restaurant as one, many people also follow the design of foreign kitchen, the kitchen designed to integrate into the meal, or even meal kitchen and guest integration. Although this design has its positive side, the housewife in the laborsome, in her line of sight has always been the company of the family, very humane. However, taking into account the people’s eating habits, experts suggest that this design is still cautious, especially those who enjoy eating at home. If you really like this style of design, may wish to improve it, you can turn off the cooking stove, surrounded by glass material, neither block the line of sight, you can block fumes.