
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whitetooth
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国网沈阳市于洪区供电公司通过抓落地、聚民生、提素能、求创新四大举措,加强工会建设,把工会打造成助推企业发展、凝聚员工情感的加油站,较好地激发了工会活力。近年来,国网沈阳市于洪区供电公司以服务员工、服务企业、服务发展为主线,把特色工会建设落地作为企业内强素质、外塑形象的结合点,企业重当前与谋长远的关键点,强基固本的突破点,“三集五大”体系建设深入基层的切入点,精心组织、齐抓 State Grid Shenyang Yu Hong District Power Company through the land, people livelihood, mention Su energy, innovation and four major initiatives to strengthen trade union building, the union will be boosted by the development of enterprises, unite staff feelings of gas stations, better stimulate The union vitality. In recent years, the State Grid Shenyang Yu Hong District Power Company to serve the staff, service companies, service development as the main line, the characteristics of the construction of trade unions landing as a strong enterprise within the image of the combination of the key business and the current key to seeking long-term Point, a strong base of the breakthrough point, “three sets of five ” system building entry point into the grassroots, well-organized, catch up
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