趁全国大气环流及异常问题学术讨论会在桂林召开之际,我们走访了远渡重洋,从美国赶来参加学术会议的芝加哥大学教授、罗斯贝科学奖获得者郭晓岚先生。 在专家下榻的榕湖饭店,年已古稀的郭先生热情地接待了我们。郭老红光满面,操着浑厚的河北口音,淡笑风生,一见如故地告诉我们,他刚在美国过完七十岁生日,便应中国气象学会动力气象和数值予报专业委员会的邀请,赶来参加会议。
Taking advantage of the Symposium on Atmospheric Circulation and Anomalies across the country in Guilin, we visited Mr. Guo Xiaolan, a professor at the University of Chicago and a recipient of the Rossby Prize for Science in Science, who came across the oceans from the United States. In the Ronghu Hotel where the experts stayed, Mr. Guo, who was seventy years old, warmly received us. Guo Lao glittering, manipulative Hebei accent, indifferent, tell us the story to tell us that he just finished the 70th birthday in the United States, they should be the China Meteorological Society momentum meteorological and numerical report to the Professional Committee’s invitation to come Attend the meeting