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幼儿园八大礼仪中,言谈礼仪规范要求是:用语文明、心平气和、耐心倾听、诚恳友善。说,是人的本能。陶行知提倡要“解放儿童的嘴,使之能讲”。《幼儿园纲要》中也指出“幼儿语言学习具有个别化的特点,教师应重视与幼儿的个别交流,以及幼儿之间的自由交谈。”那,什么是插嘴呢,插嘴,指不待别人把话说完即发表己见。成人的乱插嘴是礼仪的缺失,儿童的插嘴不能这么定义,这与孩子的年龄特点有关,就以以下例子说明: In the eight etiquette of kindergarten, the norms of etiquette and etiquette are: civilized and calm, patiently listening, sincere and friendly. That is human instinct. Tao Xingzhi advocated to “liberate the child’s mouth so that it can talk about”. The Outline of Kindergarten also pointed out that “children’s language learning has individualized characteristics. Teachers should pay attention to individual communication with young children and free conversation among young children.” "Then what is the problem of interrupting and interrupting If you finish speaking, you will see yourself. The disorderly intercourse of adults is the lack of etiquette, and the interlocution of children can not be defined as such, which is related to the age characteristics of children and is illustrated by the following examples: