【摘 要】
Radar detection of small targets in sea clutter is a particularly demanding task because of the nonstationary cha-racteristic of sea clutter. The track-before-detect (TBD) filter is an effective way to increase the signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR), thus im-p
【机 构】
Department of Information and Communication,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Radar detection of small targets in sea clutter is a particularly demanding task because of the nonstationary cha-racteristic of sea clutter. The track-before-detect (TBD) filter is an effective way to increase the signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR), thus im-proving the detection performance of small targets in sea clutter. To cope with the nonstationary characteristic of sea clutter, an easily-implemented Bayesian TBD filter with adaptive detection threshold is proposed and a new parameter estimation method is devised which is integrated into the detection process. The detection threshold is set according to the parameter estimation result under the framework of information theory. For detection of closely spaced targets, those within the same range cell as the one under test are treated as contribution to sea clutter, and a successive elimination method is adopted to detect them. Simulation results prove the effectiveness of the proposed al-gorithm in detecting small targets in nonstationary sea clutter, especially closely spaced ones.
物资基地的选址是川藏铁路建设的重要保障.提出一种基于层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)和灰色关联评价法的物资保障基地选址决策模型,综合考虑道路通行能力、环境影响、建设成本、配送能力等因素构建评价指标体系,通过实证研究完成物资基地的选址决策,拟在拉萨、林芝、昌都、雅安建立川藏铁路施工资源物资保障基地.
以177压水堆堆芯结构作为嬗变堆芯,设计适用于压水堆的涂层式嬗变靶.嬗变靶为棒状结构,内部为UO2,外部为次锕系核素(MA)与6 LiD的混合物,随后将嬗变棒装载在堆芯内部接受540 d照射,分析研究嬗变涂层材料的厚度及比例、嬗变棒对堆芯有效增殖系数(keff)和中子能谱产生的影响、MA核素的嬗变率和裂变率.结果表明:当6 LiD与MA的质量比为2:8时嬗变效果最优;当嬗变涂层厚度为0.01 cm时MA核素的嬗变率最高,为31.31%;嬗变涂层厚度为0.20 cm时MA核素的裂变率最高,为3.94%.该嬗
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