许多研究资料证明:在灌溉条件下,对紫花苜蓿喷施硼酸能提高种子产量。在旱作条件下,硼酸对苜蓿种子增产潜力怎样?为此,我们在阿尔太山南坡,海拔1250米处,年降水量300毫米左右旱地,对杂花苜蓿进行喷施硼酸试验。 一、试验地土壤肥力 试验地土壤为粟钙土,50厘米土层有机质含量0.272%~4.83%,全氮0.168%~0.253%、全磷0.15%~0.19%。 二、试验方法 (一)、试验小区面积10平方米,每公顷播种量15公斤,行距30厘米,人工开沟条
Many studies have shown that spraying boric acid on alfalfa under irrigation can increase seed yield. Under the condition of dry cultivation, what is the potential of boric acid to increase the yield of alfalfa seeds? To this end, we boiled alfalfa on the southern slopes of Altay at 1250 meters above sea level with an annual rainfall of about 300 mm. First, soil fertility test soil test site is cornu soil, 50 cm soil organic matter content 0.272% ~ 4.83%, total nitrogen 0.168% ~ 0.253%, total phosphorus 0.15% ~ 0.19%. Second, the test method (A), the test plot area of 10 square meters, seeding per hectare 15 kg, spacing 30 cm, artificial trench