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巴金的《寒夜》以冷峻的笔法呈现了贫寒家庭里密不透风的母子深情、夫妻散场上爱在离别时的惨淡情分、时代新风幻影里若即若离的背叛意识、肢体相离而灵魂相依中想见不敢见的蠢蠢欲动及阴差阳错的归来后不见回光返照之爱的漫漫寒夜等。本文旨在循着作品精当的叙事与环环相扣的情节模式,对小说人物进行全面的解构,从而揭示隐藏在人物命运里的悲剧意识。 Ba Jin’s “Cold Night” presents with solemn brushwork the affectionate mother and son in the poor families, the disgraceful affection of husband and wife in love during their parting, the sense of betrayal in the fresh air of the times, the separation of the body and the soul Can not see the want to see just around the corner and the wrong return after the return of the light of the love of the long cold nights and so on. The purpose of this essay is to reveal the hidden tragedy consciousness hidden in the fate of characters by thoroughly deconstructing the novels by following the elaborate narrative and interlocking plots.