路况播报:瑞丽距澜沧840公里(G214线转 S319,S313线,再转 G320线),其中耿马、镇康一带的路况较差,有时甚至能让自驾者产生越野的感觉;但美丽的南汀河风光和永德大雪山也让人过目难忘。德宏州的景点主要集中于瑞丽市,潞西市和盈江县这个“金三角”当中,以沿江风光、村寨风情和宗教建筑为主,适合自驾游玩。其中喊撒村距瑞丽市区4公里,姐勒村距瑞丽5公里,大等喊村(位于姐相乡)距瑞丽18公里,潞西距瑞丽88公里。
Traffic reports: Ruili 840 km from Lancang (G214 line to S319, S313 line, then G320 line), which Gengma, Zhenkang poor road conditions, and sometimes even make the autopsy off-road feeling; but the beautiful Nanting River scenery and Yongde Snow Mountain also memorable. Dehong attractions mainly in Ruili City, Luxi City and Yingjiang this “Golden Triangle ” among them, to the scenery along the Yangtze River, village style and religious architecture, suitable for traveling by car. Among them, Shoutai Village is 4 kilometers away from downtown Ruili and Salle Village is 5 kilometers away from Ruili. It is 18 kilometers away from Ruili and is 88 kilometers away from Ruili.