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“黑云翻墨未遮山,白雨跳珠乱入船。”进入夏日,时常雷雨交加,古人是怎么防雨的呢?蓑衣和斗笠蓑衣和斗笠,一般合称蓑笠。说起蓑笠,我们最熟悉的莫过于唐代柳宗元《江雪》中描绘的“孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪”的画面。其实,蓑笠在我国上古时期就出现了。《诗经》里就有人们穿蓑衣戴斗笠的记载,《诗经·小雅·无羊》:“尔牧来思, ”Into the summer, often thunderstorms, the ancients how the rain? 蓑 clothes and hats 蓑 clothing and hats, generally known as 蓑 Li. Speaking of 蓑 Li, we are most familiar than the Tang Dynasty Liu Zongyuan “Jiang Xue” portrayed in the “lonely boat 蓑 翁 Weng, alone fishing cold snow” picture. In fact, Mikasa appeared in ancient times in our country. There are people in the “Book of Songs” wearing clothes wearing hats, records, “Book of Songs Xiaoya no sheep”: "