当诺贝尔奖金委员会决定授与巴巴拉·麦克林托克(Barbara McClintock)博士1983年生理学或医学诺贝尔奖金时,竟然不能用电话通知她,因为她所住的公寓没有电话.过着快乐的独身生活的McClintock博士,在80岁时才用所得的六万美元终身年金买了一辆汽车.她的私人生活是朴素与充实的,伴随她一生的装饰品是一件用硫黄熏黑了的银器. McClintock博士兄弟姐妹四人,她排行第三.不顾母亲的反对硬是上了大学.在大学选择了对玉米的研究,六十年来玉米成了她的终身伴侣.现已82岁高龄的她,仍然孜孜不倦地从事玉米的研究,以至这位独身博士有着“玉米夫人”的美称. 所有认识她的人无不认为她思维敏捷,雷励风行.她学生时代的成绩是超群的.康纳尔大学的大遗传学家R.A.Emerson教授在学生成绩表中记载着:Barbara McClintock——A~+,GeorgeW.Beadle——A,Marcus Rhoades——A~-.这三位学生后来都成了著名的遗传学家,Beadle还曾获1958年度的诺贝尔奖.
When the Nobel Prize Committee decided to grant Dr. Barbara McClintock’s 1983 Physiology or Medicine Nobel Prize, she could not be notified by telephone because she lived in an apartment without a phone. She was happy and single. Dr. McClintock, who was living, bought a car at the age of 80 using the resulting $60,000 lifetime annuity. Her private life was simple and substantial, and her lifetime decorations were a black smoked with sulphur. Dr. McClintock’s four brothers and sisters, she ranked third. Regardless of her mother’s objections, she was forced to attend college. At the university, she chose to study corn. For sixty years, corn has become her life-long companion. She is now 82 years old. And still tirelessly engaged in the study of corn, and even this single doctor has the nickname of “Mrs. Maze.” All those who know her think that she is a quick-goer, and she is very popular. She has achieved outstanding results in her student days. Conor University The great geneticist Professor RAEmerson recorded in the student achievement table: Barbara McClintock - A~+, George W.Beadle - A, Marcus Rhoades - A~~. All three students later The famous geneticist, Beadle also won the Nobel Prize in 1958 year.