大连,一座美丽的城市;大连,一座干渴的城市。 中国石油天然气股份有限公司大连石化分公司就坐落在这块干渴的土地上。 几年来,大连石化分公司一手抓发展,一手抓节水,取得了较好的成绩。公司新增多套装置,二次加工比例增加了30%,但是日耗水量却稳中有降。2000年每吨原油耗水0.85吨,今年1至5月份又降到O.78吨,在国内处于领先水平,与国际吨油耗水0.5吨的目标又接近了一步。 多年来,大连石化分公司从三个方面狠抓节水工作。一是加强基础管理,建立健全管理机构,完善计量手段,制定科学的用水指标和严格的考核奖惩制度。二是
Dalian is a beautiful city; Dalian is a thirsty city. PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical Company is located on this thirsty land. Over the past few years, Dalian Petrochemical Company has made great achievements with its single-handed development and single-handedly saving water. The company added multiple sets of equipment, the secondary processing ratio increased by 30%, but the daily water consumption has steadily dropped. In 2000, 0.85 tons of water was consumed per ton of crude oil, and this year it fell to 0.78 tons again in January and May, and it was at the leading level in China. It is close to the goal of 0.5 tons of international tons of oil. Over the years, the Dalian Petrochemical Company has worked hard to save water in three areas. The first is to strengthen basic management, establish sound management institutions, improve measurement methods, formulate scientific water use indicators, and implement strict rewards and penalties. two is