First, the modern western economics on the relationship between price and supply and demand Western bourgeois economic theory that the value of a commodity does not depend on the necessary social labor time, but on the marginal utility. The so-called utility refers to the ability of a commodity to meet demand. They do not study the meaning of price, the value of goods and prices confused. They think that the price of goods is mainly determined by the relationship between supply and demand. When the supply and demand balance, they form the price of goods. To sum up, is the following two points: First, demand and price changes in the opposite direction. If prices fall, demand increases; conversely, demand decreases. This price increases, demand decreases; the price drop, the phenomenon of increased demand; called the law of demand. Second, under normal circumstances, the producer’s supply of certain products is proportional to the price of the product. Prices rise, supply increases; prices fall, supply decreases. Is called the law of supply.