荷兰女设计师Jorine Oosterhoff(约琳·奥斯特霍夫),她的设计呈现出一幅幅定格的画面,讲述着一个个故事。她以陶瓷为载体,锁住一个个定格的瞬间。她与时间嬉戏,将我们所忽视的美丽瞬间用陶瓷定格成永恒。她以丰富的想象赋予产品生命,营造出超现实主义的气氛,仿若构建出了一场场可触及的梦。
Dutch designer Jorine Oosterhoff, her design shows a frame of the screen, tells a story. Her ceramics as a carrier, lock a fixed frame of the moment. She plays with time, will be the moment we ignore the beautiful porcelain immortality. With rich imagination, she gives life to the product and creates an atmosphere of surrealism, just like building a field that can be touched.