本文从批判性后现代主义课程观和建设性后现代主义课程观2个维度,分析了后现代课程论的理论基础、基本内涵和突出特征;探讨了后现代课程论视阈下医学课程设置的主观核心要素——学生、教师和管理者,三者即是核心又互为辅助,似三位一体的主体存在;提出了形成一个学生、教师和管理者互生共融的研究型学术共同体是医学课程设置的理想生态环境.“,”The article has analyzed the theoretical foundation, basic connotation and outstanding features of post-modern curriculum theory from two dimensions of the critical post-modern curriculum view and the constructive post-modern curriculum view.The article has analyzed the core elements of medical curriculum design based on post-modern curriculum theory, students, teachers and administrators, they are not only the core, but also the auxiliary, putted forward a research oriented academic community which is formed by the mutual symbiosis of students, teachers and administrators is the ideal pursuit of medical curriculum design.