国家自然科学基金1988年申项目的受理,自1月1日开始,4月10日截止(邮寄申请书以邮戳为凭)。请各有关单位按照《国家自然科学基金资助项目申请办法》的规定,组织有关科研人员申请,并加强对申请工作的指导、协调,提高申请项目的水平和申请书的质量。现就申请工作中的一些具体问题,规定如下: 1.申请书格式和《国家自然科学基金申请项目分类目录及代码》,一律用随文附发的新版本。各单位所需申请书可就近向本地区的代售单位或我委办公室购买,每本收工本费0.30元。(各地区代售单位名单附后)
National Natural Science Foundation of China accepted the project in 1988, since January 1, April 10 deadline (mail application by postmarked). All relevant units are required to organize the application of relevant scientific research personnel in accordance with the provisions of the “Measures for the Application of Projects Sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China” and to strengthen the guidance and coordination of application work and enhance the quality of application projects and applications. Now on some specific issues in the application process, the provisions are as follows: 1. The application form and the “NSFC project classification directory and code”, all with the new version attached with the text. All units required applications can be nearest to the region's sales agencies or I appoint office purchase, each of this fee 0.30 yuan work. (List of all local sales units attached)