通信组网成为近年来的发展趋势,而单向时延(One-way delay)则是衡量通信组网服务质量的一个重要指标,因此对它的估计是一项非常重要的工作。往返时延(RTT,Round TripTime)通常被用作一种估计方法,但是这种对半分的方法并不能精确估计单向时延。该文给出了在不依赖外部时钟同步的情况下,利用Windows平台下提供的微秒级高精度性能计数器构建实验模型,利用最小范数估计法获得单向时延,它具有高精度、可在线测量和可适用于非对称通信网络的优点。
Communication networking has become a trend in recent years. One-way delay is an important indicator to measure the quality of service in communication networks. Therefore, it is a very important task to estimate it. The Round Trip Time (RTT) is usually used as an estimation method, but this half-point method does not accurately estimate the one-way delay. This paper presents an experimental model which builds a microsecond-scale high-performance counter provided by Windows platform without any external clock synchronization and obtains the one-way delay by using the least-norm estimation method. It has the advantages of high precision, Online measurement and the advantages that can be applied to asymmetric communication networks.