
来源 :外语教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihua1114110
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英语教师的动机一直被认为是一个复杂的综合体,教师动机会受到很多因素的影响。本次研究关注两位新入职大学的英语教师的入职动机和工作动机以及能影响动机变化的外界因素。研究发现这两位英语教师的入职动机和工作动机不尽相同。她们的入职动机大多基于内在动机和对职业的积极态度,这些不太受外界因素的影响,然而她们的工作动机受内在动机、外在动机和外界因素的共同影响。 The motivation of English teachers has always been considered as a complex complex, the teacher motivation will be affected by many factors. This study focuses on the motivation and motivation of English teachers in the two newly recruited universities and the external factors that can influence the motivation. The study found that these two English teachers have different motivations for entry and work. Most of their motivation to enter based on intrinsic motivation and career positive attitude, these are not affected by external factors, but their work motivation by internal motivation, external motivation and external factors together.