Allergic rhinitis, clinically more common, more use of Chinese and Western medicine, acupuncture, acupoint injection, electrocautery, laser, surgery and other methods of treatment, with different effects. In recent years, foreign countries often use the third generation of anti-histamine drugs, systemic decongestant drugs and nasal steroid treatment, but the side effects of such drugs are larger and inconvenient for long-term use. At present, traditional Chinese medicine treatment is still the main method in our country. Moxibustion, acupuncture, acupoint injection and oral traditional Chinese medicine are the most commonly used methods in our country. However, cumbersome procedures and limited therapeutic effects are available. Electrocautery, laser, surgical methods are also used more clinically, high cost of treatment, postoperative complications, so the disease has become a treatment difficult. Our hospital in the comprehensive treatment of advantages and disadvantages