唱响主旋律 打好主动仗——对做好惠农区宣传思想文化工作的几点思考

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近年来,惠农区委宣传部以学习宣传贯彻党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会精神为主线,围绕区委、政府中心工作,着力开展社会主义核心价值观宣传教育,壮大主流宣传思想舆论,强化精神文明建设,深化创建全国文明城市活动,为建设“四个惠农”提供强大的精神动力和思想保障。一、宣传思想文化工作的主要做法加强对外宣传,讲好惠农新故事。加强新闻线索月度整理筛选工作,每月编发新闻线索录,不断加强新闻宣 In recent years, Propaganda Department of Huinong District Committee has focused on the work of studying and propagandizing the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, focusing on the work of the district committees and government centers, and vigorously conducted publicity and education on the core values ​​of socialism. Mainstream public opinion and ideology, strengthen spiritual civilization, deepen the creation of national civilized city activities, in order to build “four beneficiaries of ” provide a strong spiritual motivation and ideological guarantee. First, advocate the ideological and cultural work of the main approach to strengthen external publicity, speak good new farmers benefit story. We will step up the monthly screening and sorting of news clues, make a monthly press release of the news clues and continuously strengthen the press announcements
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1临床资料患者,男,58岁。因“反复发热6 d”于2015年5月6日经门诊收住入院。既往病史,患者2015年4月23日因急性化脓性中耳炎、急性会厌炎在我院住院治疗,使用磺苄西林、地塞