Shallow analysis of Illustrated Art using in local tourism

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  Abstract:The map is most effective bridge that realize and explore kinds world,combined objectivity with subjectivity.It lead men’s feeling to rational thought from emotional thought.The aesthetic art of Illustrated by hand-painted with the type ,not only visualized and merely words.The interpretation with Illustrated by hand-painted adds interesting and artistic to the whole map, So we appeal to designer of Illustrated to focus on explore and research in local culture,so that design to Illustrated map by hand-painted with local feature.
  Keywords:tourism map by hand-painted map history creative design illustrations local culture
  1. Illustrations history and actuality in the type of map
  1.1 Illustrations history of using in map
  The literature of the Western Zhou Dynasty relates that content of making map ,so we have the cradle traditional of making map .The government bound every state must produce a state map every three or five years during the Tang and Song Dynasties,There are dominion maps,or town maps,or special maps that conclude River maps,or Border maps,or Transport maps and so on. The Illustrations map of traditional form in the West can retrospects to Military strategy maps that applied in military flights.The map can retrospects to the last century as tourism spreading in Illustrations form in the West.
  1.2 status quo of Illustrations application in maps
  The function is to add interesting that Illustrated in map.The map of inland have been used as a new Illustration form with Immature while developing .
  For example,It’s presented local characteristic feature that the Illustrated map by hand-painted of Gulangyu in Xiamen.Including the map that expound things focused on some information that delicacy and convenient for driving.In this way,It’s convenient with previous guidance and posterity practice,and also to propagate well.
  2. The role and significance of illustration in map design
  2.1 convey information visually
  Illustration externalizes a lot of things,produces landmark things as the most intuitive form in map design at a glance.
  Illustration play a role on adjusting interest when described the characteristics of a region or a piece of land by means of a narrative text in map.
  3. Map design in the form of illustrations
  3.1 Realistic category
  Key elements is illustrations form by producing in realistic rendition,so that boring words will be sparkling because of picture from well-known things form.   3.2 abstract category
  The main form are some abstract pattern or words ,for summarizing primary characteristic of all map.And the main characteristic is the opposite of abstract.
  3.3 graphical symbol category
  The main form is some pattern and symbol of special places.Thanks to show needful place from kinds simple symbols in all map, the map direction routes is clearly.
  4. How to increase the fun of the map by illustration---hand drawn map of Huangshi as an example
  4.1 The main style of illustration map
  To show the treatment of main features of things and meticulous by color felt pen.
  4.2 The key of detail description
  Map is divided into title of map,image of map,symbol of map,mascot of map,compass of map,route of map,text description an so on.They are used accord to their requirement to map.
  4.3 Grasping of the overall map
  Take the delicacy around Hubei Normal University in Huangshi as the main line in that integrate into straightforward and lively atmosphere at allover map.
  5. The new style form design of illustration for transmitting information
  Design of Information from looking messaged at it,so that the effective intervention of design. information design.Based on demands to judge design from conveying information and everybody is one of the origins in which design of information.
  6. Ending
  To sum up, excellent hand-painted illustration map not only to give people a convenient life,interesting experience and perception, but has a certain value of collection.In the process of transformation from heavy industry to tourism city, Huangshi needs more popularization, which is used to attract people's attention to the rise of the whole city tourism。For each tourist city, let people first think of the city is bound to focus on what the characteristics of the region, and then decide whether it is valuable.So, the map can play a good role in guiding.Hand drawn map is just a starting point, I believe we can create more and better ideas to promote the transformation and development of Huangshi City.
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