山东省东阿县临黄河一带稻麦轮作区麦田近三年新发生一种杂草,经山东师范大学陈汉斌教授鉴定为白顶早熟禾Poa acroleuca Sted。该草蔓延迅速,每年以近百倍速度扩散。它根系发达,生命力强,人工防除十分困难,造成小麦减产,一般为30%,重者达50%,现己成为东阿县小麦生产上的一大隐患。但该种植物在我国华东、华中、西南等地是较好的一种牧草。
A new weed occurred in the wheat field of the paddy-rice crop rotation area in the vicinity of the Yellow River in Dong’e County, Shandong Province in recent three years and was identified as Poa acroleuca Sted by Professor Chen Hanbin of Shandong Normal University. The grass spread rapidly, nearly a hundred times a year speed of proliferation. It has developed root system, strong vitality and very difficult artificial prevention and control, resulting in a decrease in wheat yield of 30% and a weight of 50%. Now it has become a major hurdle in wheat production in Dong’e County. However, this kind of plant is a better grass in East China, Central China and Southwest China.