患者,男,58岁。因“右下腹疼痛半月余”入院。入院体格检查:右腹部膨隆,可触及一肿物。上至右侧肋弓下3 cm,下达盆腔,质稍硬,活动度差,有轻压痛。辅助检查:外院腹部彩超检查提示:右侧腹混合性包块(腹膜后来源),右肾位置异常。腹部CT检查提示:右腹部可见一巨大肿块影,边界清晰,上缘达肝脏下方,下缘至右侧肾脏上方,大小约106 mm×173mm×207mm,病灶内可见多个分隔。肝脏受压向上移位,右肾及右输尿管、右肾
Patient, male, 58 years old. Because of “right lower quadrant pain more than half” admitted. Admission medical examination: bulging the right abdomen, palpable a mass. Up to the right rib under the bow 3 cm, issued pelvic, slightly harder nature, poor mobility, mild tenderness. Auxiliary examination: outside the hospital abdominal ultrasound examination Tip: Mixed mixed mass on the right abdomen (retroperitoneal source), the right kidney position abnormalities. Abdominal CT examination: a huge mass of the shadow can be seen on the right abdomen, the border is clear, the upper reaches the bottom of the liver, the lower edge of the kidney to the right above the size of about 106 mm × 173mm × 207mm, multiple lesions visible. Liver pressure upward shift, right kidney and right ureter, right kidney