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符,世界上最早的护照之一 世界最早的实体护照是我国的符,传,节。中国历史博物馆收藏有公元前323年楚怀王颁赐贵族鄂君启的节,这是目前我们见到的最早的真正专门用做通行证的实物。 符本是官府下行文书的一种,其中有通行证符,又有兵符(虎符),目前存世最早的是兵符,即使兵符也有通行功能,符有铜、竹、木3种。“符”有“竹”和“付”两个部分,形象地说明了符的用途和使用方法。竹片、木片中间编号、批字,凿齿刨开,分授关卡和持符人。齿齿相对,符合则过关。 最大的护照 世界最大的护照在中国,它是1899年9月1日,由大清驻美国公使 Fu, one of the earliest passports in the world The earliest physical passport in the world is the symbol, biography and festival of our country. Chinese History Museum has a collection of 323 BC Chu Huai Wang awarded noble aristocratic festival, which is now we see the earliest really used as a physical pass. The ruler is a kind of official documents, including the pass, there are weapons (tiger symbols), the earliest surviving weapons are, even if the weapons are also accessible, with copper, bamboo, wood 3. “Fu” has “bamboo” and “pay” in two parts, vividly illustrates the use and use of symbols. Bamboo, the middle of the number of wood chips, approved word, cut the teeth, sub-grant level and hold sign. Tooth relative, in line with the pass. The largest passport in the world’s largest passport in China, it is September 1, 1899, by the Qing minister in the United States
文学 语言 文字中国古代戏曲、小说中意境的表现………………………………张训涛1确立新的逻辑起点与理论基石──关于文艺学学科建设根本问题的思考………………………………
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