亚运赛会,有19块金牌的举重台自然是兵家必争之地。这19块金牌,男女基本对半:男10女9。先谈谈巾帼力士状况。亚运会女子举重9块金牌从实力来看,非中国莫属。请看下列数字: 目前27项女举世界纪录,我国保持了21项;27项女举亚洲纪录全归我们所有;89年11月在英国举行的第三届世界女子举重锦标赛中27块金牌我占24块;89年12月在上海举行的第二届亚洲女子举重锦标赛中,我国运动员包揽全部27块金牌。89年末的世界、亚洲大赛,是第11届亚运会前最近的一次实力检阅,为了让读者更了解全面情况,
Asian Games tournament, there are 19 gold weight lifting platform is the natural battleground of the military. The 19 gold medals, men and women basically half: male 10 female 9. Talk about the situation of women Asian women’s weightlifting nine gold medals From the strength point of view, none other than China. Please take a look at the following figures: At present, 27 females hold world records and 21 have been maintained in our country; 27 females hold all the Asian records; 27 gold medals in the 3rd World Ladies Weightlifting Championship held in England in November 89 Accounting for 24; 89 December December in Shanghai held the second Asian Women’s Weightlifting Championships, Chinese athletes swept all 27 gold medals. The end of 89 the world, the Asian competition, is the 11th Asian Games before a recent strength review, in order to allow readers to better understand the overall situation,