前言 在选矿厂,磨矿分级生产过程是介于碎矿和选别作业的中间环节,它所担负的任务是把矿石中的有价金属经过磨剥达到单体分离,只有使有价金属达到充分地单体分离而又不致于过粉碎才能为取得最高的选矿回收率提供前提条件。由于磨矿过程的产品好坏对整个选矿厂的技术经济指标有很大影响,设备投资费用在选矿厂全部投资中也占有相当大的比例,同时它还要消耗大量的电能和磨矿介质(钢棒、钢球等),因此对于如何充分发挥磨矿分级设备的效率,提高处理量,在国外选矿厂早就受到重视。
Preface In the concentrator, grinding and grading production process is in the middle of the crushing and sorting operations, it is the task of the ore in the price of metal after grinding stripping to monomer separation, only to achieve the value of the metal Adequate monomer separation without being overly comminuted provides the prerequisite for achieving the highest recovery of the concentrate. As the grinding process of the product good or bad of the technical and economic indicators of the beneficiation plant has a great impact, equipment investment costs in the dressing plant also occupies a considerable part of the total investment, but it also consumes a lot of electricity and grinding media Steel bar, steel ball, etc.), so how to give full play to the efficiency of grinding and grading equipment and increase the processing capacity have long been valued in foreign concentrator.