在东非大裂谷的南部,在海明威那部著名的小说《乞力马扎罗的雪》中所提到的那座山的西边,有一个由火山灰烬形成的大平原。经过几百万年的日晒雨淋,那里的泥土日渐肥沃,最终形成著名的非洲塞伦盖蒂大草原。纪录片《Africa﹒The Serengeti》所展现的,就是生活在这个草原上的动物迁徙的故事。塞伦盖蒂草原栖息着世界上种类最多、数量最庞大的野生动物群。雨季和旱季的自然交替,迫使这里两百多万只逐水草而居的草食动物如角马、羚羊、斑马等,每年必须进行一次横跨坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚境内的“马拉松”迁徙,以寻找充足的食物和水源。大迁徙极其艰辛:炎炎烈日,饥渴不堪、疲惫跋涉。它们还
To the south of the Great Rift Valley, to the west of the mountain referred to in Hemingway’s famous novel, Kilimanjaro’s Snow, there is a large plain of volcanic ashes. After millions of years of sun and rain, where the soil is becoming more and more fertile, eventually forming the famous African Serengeti prairie. Documentary “. The Serengeti shows the migration of animals living in this steppe. The Serengeti Prairie is home to the largest and largest number of wildlife in the world. The natural alternation between rainy and dry seasons has forced more than two million grass-herbivores, such as wildebeests, antelopes and zebras, to step by step each year to find their ”marathon" migration across Tanzania and Kenya Adequate food and water. Migration is extremely difficult: scorching sun, thirsty, exhausted trek. They also