根深叶茂 万古长青——毛主席纪念堂周围绿化树种介绍

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毛主席纪念堂座落在北京天安门广场正南端,正阳门和人民英雄纪念碑之间。在巍峨的纪念堂主体工程周围,有一道30米宽的绿色林带。它是由油松、山里红和雪松三种树木为主组成的。以油松为主,植于外侧共有三行,油松的内侧有36株山里红(即红果树),再内侧是雪松。油松刚劲挺拔,四季常青,衬托出纪念堂庄严肃穆的气氛,延安人民敬献的十三株青松就栽植在这片松树林中。山里红是我国北方劳动人民传统喜爱的果树,它春天白花满树,秋天红果累累,别具一格,又由于它的叶子宽阔,与松树细长的针叶相衬,增加了绿化带的美观。雪松原产我国西藏南部,其主干高耸,侧枝平展, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall is located at the southern end of Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, between Zhengyangmen and the People’s Heroes Monument. Around the majestic memorial hall, there is a 30-meter-wide green belt. It is composed of pine, mountain red and cedar three kinds of trees. The main pine, planted on the outside a total of three lines, the pine inside the mountain has 36 Shan Lihong (ie, red fruit trees), and then inside the cedar. Standing tall and straight, the evergreen seasons bring out the solemn atmosphere of the memorial hall. Thirteen strains of pine from the people of Yan’an are planted in the pine forest. Shanlihong is a traditional fruit tree favored by working people in northern China. Its spring white flowers and rich autumn red fruits are distinctive. Because of its broad leaves, it is beautiful with green slender coniferous trees. Cedar native of southern China, its main towering, flat side branches,
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