针对我国改性沥青的研究现状和在机场道面中的应用情况 ,对改性沥青道面的技术要求、改性剂的选择、改性沥青加工方法、工程应用情况和影响改性沥青道面寿命的因素等问题进行了系统的分析探讨 ,其目的在于提高机场改性沥青道面的修建技术 ,保证施工质量 ,为机场沥青跑道的铺筑服务。
According to the research status of modified asphalt in our country and its application in airport pavement, the technical requirements of modified asphalt pavement, the choice of modifier, the processing method of modified asphalt, the engineering application and the influence of modified asphalt pavement Life factors and other issues were systematically analyzed and discussed, which aims to improve the airport modified asphalt pavement construction techniques to ensure the quality of construction, paving the service for the airport asphalt runway.