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2001年11月11日晚,来自欧美、澳大利亚的6名记者在随阿富汗北方联盟的一支部队赴前线采访时,遭到塔利班部队的伏击,3名记者当场身亡,其中包括一名法国女记者。这是自10月7日美英发动对阿富汗的军事打击以来第一批遇难的外国战地记者。 遭袭的法国文化电台女记者韦洛尼克·雷伊贝洛特介绍,当时,她和法国国际广播电台女记者若阿娜·苏东等6名记者被安排坐在一辆装甲车的后部,跟随一支北方联盟部队赴前线采访。装甲车开得很快。他们在车上很轻松,甚至还开翻译的玩笑,根本没想到会发生什么事情。当装甲车开出几公里之后,突然遭到塔利班士兵的伏击。在一阵激烈的交火声中,装甲车来了一个急刹车。若阿娜、法国卢森堡广播电视台记者皮埃尔·比约和德国 On the evening of November 11, 2001, six journalists from Europe, the United States and Australia were ambushed by Taliban forces during a front-line interview with a unit of the Northern Alliance of Northern Africa. Three reporters died on the scene, including a French female reporter . This is the first foreign war correspondent since the U.S. and British troops launched the military crackdown on Afghanistan on October 7. The attack on the French cultural radio female reporter Weronique Reybelot introduced at the time, she and France Radio International female reporters such as Joana Soon six journalists were arranged to sit in the back of an armored vehicle, Follow a Northern Alliance force to frontline interviews. Armored cars drove quickly. They are very relaxed in the car, and even opened the translation of the joke, did not expect anything to happen. When the armored vehicles opened a few kilometers, they were suddenly ambushed by Taliban soldiers. In a fierce exchange of fire, the armored car came in a sudden brake. Joanna, France’s Luxembourg radio and television correspondent Pierre Bjorg and Germany
为了使有限的频率资源得到合理、充分、高效地利用,必须对频率进行整体分配,本文就渭南广电网络频率的规划进行了详细的阐述。 In order to make limited frequency resourc
With the increasing availability of precipitation radar data from space, enhancement of the resolution of spaceborne precipitation observations is important, pa
许多阿拉伯国家的政府都不喜欢这个“多嘴”的电视台,沙特等国的企业甚至取消了与半岛电视台的广告合同,打算“饿死”半岛电视台 Many Arab governments do not like this
一些读者致函本刊,询问怎样才能当个电视体育节目主持人。最近,CCTV雪碧NBA电视主持人大赛为青少年提供了一展才华的机会。 Some readers wrote to us about how to be a TV
本刊讯 为深入开展“四史”学习教育, 6月10日下午,中共上海市委党史研究室主任、机关党委书记严爱云带领全体中心组成员,走访参观中共中央军委在上海史料陈列展(1925—1933)